Thursday, June 30, 2011

RIP Fender :'-( (1997-2011)

My Mom & Dad called me today to let me know our family dog (Fender) died.
He was a Royal Standard Poodle and the best dog ever!

Its weird how our pets growing up become a part of the family. I will forever love Fender. He was my snuggle buddy and always there for me in rough times.

At one point he was my best friend, A few years ago when I didn't know where to turn or who to trust he was the best to talk to. A-Probably because he couldn't repeat anything but most of all he was loyal.

  I will never forget the time when I was 14 years old and my family and I were going up to our ski house in Vermont, My dad pulled up in front of this restaurant "Silo" to pick up dinner. It was an escalade so it had 2 rows in the back. I was in the way back and Fender was in the second row. As I perched my head forward to tell my Dad I want potato skins, Fender's tail goes stiff and all the way up (picture a poodle tail with the pom pom on the end) and next thing I know I hear...... "Puuuuuuuuuh" and feel a warm heat come over my face............ Yes Fender farted in my face. I look up and see in slow motion my dad hysterically laughing and my brother laughing.
LOL it is funny looking back but at the time I was so angry.
There may be many dogs out there but none like Fender. None that have had the chance to fart in my face.

I'm sure he's in doggy heaven right now and pimping it with all the hot girl poodles or hot boy poodles (he did like pink and to dress up). I mean How many dogs can say they were on E! & numerous sites for his "Hugs not Drugs" shirt. He'll be in the popular group in doggy Heaven for sure.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Young Girl-Wants Advice on "insecurities due to being bullied"

Hi Hailey,

I wanted to know if you have ever been bullied growing up? The popular group at school always sit together at lunch and get together and I am the one in the corner reading a book and eating alone. I'm the girl in honors and just I get called dork, ugly, and a nothing everyday. I don't know what to do? At times I end up feeling the way these girls say I am. 

I have admired/admire your strength and just how you stand up for yourself no matter what. You never give up no matter how bad this world trashed/trashes you.

 I will be honest, in the beginning when I read all the magazines I quickly judged but then again they are tabloids and I only read it due to waiting in line at the checkout counter with my Mom. You were a bit impossible to avoid at that time. 
I must admit I think you're so strong and I want to know, if you were ever bullied when you were younger, since we all know you were pretty much bullied by the world without anyone even knowing you. Which is weird.

Do you remember your biggest bully?
Or if you were the bullier? Who knows... That's why I want to know. I'm going through a rough time at school and you seem like a person who doesn't judge.. I want your "Raw and Real Advice".

 Hope you write back.
         Misty C

Hey Misty,

Ugh you picked a sore subject for me but I must respond because It feels horrible to be in that position and "If I Knew Then What I know Now"... lol. I know I sound like my Grandmother they are pretty wise some of them.
I want to help you and let you know you're not alone.
I remember from the start in elementary school girls weren't very nice to me either. I can give you particular examples for each and every year of being a child but it could go on forever. 

Don't think it's because you're a dork or ugly , and I'm sure you're not. It's just unhappy girls or insecure girls who happen to be pretty or semi pretty who want to make someone else feel bad.

Remember no matter what group you happen to fall into the bullying goes on . You can be in the "dork group", or "popular group". In fact the bullying is even more nasty in the "popular group". 
Growing up is hard Misty, I'm going to give it to you straight. Its not easy. I'm 24 and bullying still goes on. 
Misty please remember this, it will help you through the rest of school from elementary-high school and like my mom always said "little b*tches just turn into older b*tches". Everything Happens For A Reason, and Whatever Hurts You Only Makes You Strong. Its true. I promise you!

I was bullied so horribly my entire life. So when the media storm and bullying worldwide kept smacking me in the face it was almost as if I was more prepared for it. If that makes any sense to you. 

The point is everyone gets bullied sometime in their life. I don't care who you are or what you look like but at some point everyone has been bullied by SOMEONE.  Why do you think this world is so F'd up. Excuse my language I know you're young but come on I remember that age people cus a bit... lol

The hurt will turn into strength as you grow up and age. Though I never promised you wouldn't need therapy, but it is 2011 everyone is going to therapy. Its the cool thing to do so don't worry about.

Always stay true to yourself. 

Misty don't listen to those people bullying you and trust me being a taddle-tale is not the answer. What may feel hurtful now and unbearable, as you look back its nothing in the grand scheme of life. You'll just always remember these mean girls. I could go on and on but I think this song sums up everything for you. 

Hailey Glassman------- 

p.s Remember we have all been there. I'm 24 and still going through it. lol I KNOW!

Monday, April 11, 2011

"Is My Boyfriend Cheating"?

"Dear Hailey,

I think My boyfriend is cheating on me but every time I confront him about it he tells me "baby your the only one I love and am with". I don't know what to say or do. He looks at me with his big brown eyes and tells me how much he loves me but he strolls in at like 4a.m. and tells me he was out with "the boys".
What do you think I should do? I know you have been through a lot, obviously very different but how do you catch your man if you expect him cheating?

-Mary W

Hey Mary,

I have no words because I don't want to hurt you or give you a reality check. Someone you love cheating on you, sucks. The feeling of betrayal is very painful.    :-(     ..          I'm sorry. 
Enjoy my song advice

Next time your man comes home at like 4 a.m. and you expect he is cheating; You throw his pillow on the floor and simply state firmly to him"that's where the dogs sleep"

p.s.- Don't forget to smell it. Don't let him go straight into the shower when he gets home.
"Let me smell yo dick" ---lol

Sunday, April 3, 2011

"Take Me As I Am"

"Say No To the Hot Nanny Ho"

"Dear Hailey,

My husband and I just had our first child and we have been interviewing nannies. We both found one we liked but she is extremely beautiful. I don't want to look like a jealous, control freak and not hire her because she is gorgeous. 
I followed that whole saga with you and read you were cheated on by your ex with his children's nanny. 
I was wondering what your "first hand" advice/opinion would be?
She is fully qualified for the position and seems really sweet. Should I give it a try?"

-Liz B

Hey Liz,

I feel it depends on how pretty. In a nut shell NO, don't hire a hot nanny. Are you crazy! "Fully qualified", what does she have a degree from Harvard in Nannying? No Don't hire her. I'm sorry but just no. Why would you dangle eye candy everyday in front of your husband. 
I remember growing up I had nannies but not one time do I recall a hot nanny. Be like my Mom and only hire people who don't speak english and from out of the country. My mom was a genius she never hired anyone under 180 lb'
Unless your intentions are not just nannying I don't see why you would have a hot nanny. Period the end. Get an illegal immigrant like everyone else does. The first question on your list to the nannies should be, "do you have a social security #"? If the answer is "no" then they are hired.
So the answer to this question is........ 
               "SAY NO TO THE HOT NANNY HO"

Remember fantasy and lust can get the best of everyone.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Boyfriend Shopping"

So I went boyfriend shopping. His name is Rabbit, when he gets on his high horse though he likes to be called "The Rabbit".......

"Das Beer Boot Music Video"

LOL its catchy. 
Am I going to go out and buy the "Beer Boot"..... No, but I will watch this video over and over again.

"The Publics Take On My Blog, Myself, and Their Honest Opinions"

I have received numerous amounts of feedback from people. I want to Thank you for your support. I truly am genuinely touched by your messages and posts to me. I want to personally thank two people, Deborah and PinkCadillac. Whoever you guys are (kind of cool how by the means of blogging, and messaging you build a virtual friendship with someone) Thank You.

PinkCadillac has left a new comment on your post ""Single In The City"": 

"Congrats to you Hailey. Many people did not start out cheering for you, but then you won people over during a difficult time in your life . Your personality as a good, sweet, honest ,fun loving girl began to shine through .Everyone has had a bad boyfriend in their past. Think of it as your college education in who not to date ever again . Don't let the ugly ones define you or hold you back from a wonderful future." 

Deborah has left a new comment on your post ""Single In The City"":
At one time or another we have all set ourselves up to be hurt deeply. I believe your hurt would have been so much easier to get over if there wasn't so much money involved. To get played is one thing but getting robbed at the same time is another.
At least when you saw your world crumble, that the man you believed in was a impostor. ALOT of women are not that strong or smart. It seems their are always those that willingly sell themselves SHORT(pun intended) when they find they hooked up with a impostor just to save face. You didn't do that!

Your interview with the ladies at Imperfect Women rocks"

Deborah has left a new comment on your post ""Single In The City"":

"I'm with Pink, so good to see you come out the winner.
Here's a link to a song about jerk boyfriends and FaceBook. I think we can all relate to it."

Everyone out there-

You both are 110% correct. We can all relate to each other on some level or another. 
You guys give me a chuckle and I appreciate your input. 

If anyone out there needs to just vent or wants advice you are more then welcome to come to this blog. I am not one to be judgmental and I accept everyone for who they are no matter what. No judgements will be past on any of you and just be yourself. In life thats all you can do. At some points as you all know I felt as if it was me against the world and there was nothing I could do. I just tried my best to stay strong and think "things will get better". 

Life is the hard part, dying is the easy part. 
So lets all ride out the roller-coaster ride of life (the up's, the down's, even the upside down times) and share our experiences and or our hurt.
 Either way someone out there, someone on their computer, someone crying thinking things won't get better, wherever they are can relate and be helped. You never know whose life you can touch just by the means of blogging your honest life experiences and how you got through it or are going through it.

Just know Things Will Get Better. I promise you. I know from first hand experience. Judging meanwhile not even knowing me on top of everything else. I could go on and on but thats pointless. Of course it hurts, but I want to use my knowledge to help others.

The wounds will always be there but the knowledge and growth you learn through things that traumatize you helps you in the end. I now understand the saying, "What hurts you only makes you stronger".

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Born This Way"

You ever feel different or misunderstood?
 Or maybe you are one of those people who let what others say get to you? Don't let anyone get you down. If anyone has a problem with you just stay strong and true to yourself .
Usually its the ones who are different and beat to their own drum who get it the worse.

Who said being different is bad? 

"People say that you're going the wrong way when it's simply a way of your own"- Angelina Jolie

Sometimes you have to just think F what others say and realize "I Was Born This Way"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Single In The City"

Women all around the city are single and looking, but where is that perfect guy? "Is it normal" that I would rather be alone then go on a date? "Is it normal" that I feel kissing someone or hooking up is a chore?
Join me on my journey to find that four letter word......Love.

I was asked the other day "Hailey what is your 10 year plan"? I had explained how I planned on being the CEO of Hailey Glassman PR and Event firm, having locations in NYC and LA. Then all the stuff in between, but not once did having my own family cross my mind.
I called my Mom up that night to tell her the Interview question I was asked. Her response to me was "Hail don't you want to meet a nice, honest man and have children and your own family", I simply felt like "WHAT, how dare she, I have my own family, you (Mom), Dad, Shaun, Grandma, Uncle Robbie". My Mom aka (Lauren) laughed and said "Hailey you have to open your heart up again someday and not be afraid"..

I hate to admit it but Momma Glassman is right. I fear Love, I think sometimes when your done so dirty and wronged in the past it is hard to just band aid the hurt and pain. From here on out all Spring and Summer I am dedicating it to being Single and ready to Mingle

I will be having my dates filmed and upload them onto here. I would like your input on who I should go on a second date with?

Coming soon ....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Addressing What "size is normal"

Look I have been receiving numerous emails the last year on Facebook and Twitter from women asking me about if the size of their man is normal and sending me pictures of them! It would be weird for me not to address it .... after everything..
 I am not an expert but I do have to say that men can talk about women's boobs all day everyday and its politically correct. God forbid someone talks about a mans size and its like "OMG no she didn't".
PLEASE no more double standards.
Ladies feel free to vent and go all out on anything, any questions, any advice, opinions, just don't use a verbal filter and have this as your guilty pleasure blog. Get honest advice that your friends and family won't give you or you just don't feel comfortable discussing it with them...

Also men, like I said before there is no double standards but feel free to talk as well. Just no names of the people you are talking about.

I actually have a question for all of you.

Now In all honesty I don't really know what size is normal? Do you? I think 5-6 inches is the lower end of the norm? I will be hitting the streets of Manhattan next week to find out what men and women had to say on that topic.

This isn't a bashing type blog, this is just a brutally honest, "Raw and Real Advice" blog.

Someone wrote me

Dear Hailey,
- "I'm dating a guy and we finally took it to the next level, I found out he is not circumcised what should I do in your opinion? It was my first time ever seeing one like that and I was taken off guard..I saw on your Twitter something about you and a blog... which I noticed just went up today. It had me intrigued and I thought, "you know what why not ask Hailey's opinion"- She is known for being brutally honest on her advice.. So Hailey Please help me with this situation. Do I stay with him or cut the ties due to him being uncircumcised?

Dear Anonymous,

My honest opinion is you have to look at all the positives first and then the negatives. If the negatives out weigh the positives then you know the answer, but if he is a great guy and you truly care about him then stick through it. Make him have a bris (Jews do it to cut the foreskin off of the penis) which is then a circumcised one. You can always just take him to a medical facility and get it done. I don't think you should end a great relationship due to that. Though its medically known that uncircumcised penises are dirtier just due to shmutz getting caught in their foreskin. I have actually seen one in my life, It looks like a penis with a top hat on. Like a puppet show.
But I say if you care about him stay with him, don't let that ruin your feelings towards him. Does it feel better then a circumcised one? I mean to give a BJ I understand. Gross but have him get checked out and make sure he is clean, but don't get rid of a nice, kind, and honest guy due to that. Those traits are hard to find now a days.

"Underground Talent" in the Subways of New York

There are some really talented people underground performing in the Subways of New York City.

With your help I am going to find the next Underground Talent . I will hit the Subways Uptown, Downtown, East Side, West Wide, and post video's weekly and you can vote on your favorite talent.

I'm usually out and about and stumble upon the talent. Like this one last week on a hungover Sunday morning.

Coming Soon.. To help others by the means of Brutal Honesty

You want brutally honest advice, Then this is the Blog for you! Vent, ask any type of questions, From,
"Is it too small",
"Should I let my daughter date"
"I hooked up with my roommate who is also a girl does that make me a lesbian even though its college",
 Or for Mom's "When is the right time to let your child become an adult and make his or her own decisions".
There is an endless list of questions everyone has. We are all human.. In fact I'm going to dedicate a whole area to "Is This Normal" and anyone of you can email me to tell me your story/situation. A second opinion is always the best especially when its via Social Media and no one knows who you are or what you look like. You can be Anonymous or have a nickname.
People be honest and keep it interesting. This isn't a blog for boring people.

My advice from first hand experience is everything is better left Anonymous.

If you have questions, Hailey Glassman has got the answers.