PinkCadillac has left a new comment on your post ""Single In The City"":
"Congrats to you Hailey. Many people did not start out cheering for you, but then you won people over during a difficult time in your life . Your personality as a good, sweet, honest ,fun loving girl began to shine through .Everyone has had a bad boyfriend in their past. Think of it as your college education in who not to date ever again . Don't let the ugly ones define you or hold you back from a wonderful future."
Deborah has left a new comment on your post ""Single In The City"":
"Hailey,At one time or another we have all set ourselves up to be hurt deeply. I believe your hurt would have been so much easier to get over if there wasn't so much money involved. To get played is one thing but getting robbed at the same time is another.
At least when you saw your world crumble, that the man you believed in was a impostor. ALOT of women are not that strong or smart. It seems their are always those that willingly sell themselves SHORT(pun intended) when they find they hooked up with a impostor just to save face. You didn't do that!
Your interview with the ladies at Imperfect Women rocks"
Deborah has left a new comment on your post ""Single In The City"":
"I'm with Pink, so good to see you come out the winner.
Here's a link to a song about jerk boyfriends and FaceBook. I think we can all relate to it."
Everyone out there-
You both are 110% correct. We can all relate to each other on some level or another.
You guys give me a chuckle and I appreciate your input.
If anyone out there needs to just vent or wants advice you are more then welcome to come to this blog. I am not one to be judgmental and I accept everyone for who they are no matter what. No judgements will be past on any of you and just be yourself. In life thats all you can do. At some points as you all know I felt as if it was me against the world and there was nothing I could do. I just tried my best to stay strong and think "things will get better".
Life is the hard part, dying is the easy part.
So lets all ride out the roller-coaster ride of life (the up's, the down's, even the upside down times) and share our experiences and or our hurt.
Either way someone out there, someone on their computer, someone crying thinking things won't get better, wherever they are can relate and be helped. You never know whose life you can touch just by the means of blogging your honest life experiences and how you got through it or are going through it.
Just know Things Will Get Better. I promise you. I know from first hand experience. Judging meanwhile not even knowing me on top of everything else. I could go on and on but thats pointless. Of course it hurts, but I want to use my knowledge to help others.
The wounds will always be there but the knowledge and growth you learn through things that traumatize you helps you in the end. I now understand the saying, "What hurts you only makes you stronger".
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