Hi Hailey,
I wanted to know if you have ever been bullied growing up? The popular group at school always sit together at lunch and get together and I am the one in the corner reading a book and eating alone. I'm the girl in honors and just I get called dork, ugly, and a nothing everyday. I don't know what to do? At times I end up feeling the way these girls say I am.
I have admired/admire your strength and just how you stand up for yourself no matter what. You never give up no matter how bad this world trashed/trashes you.
I will be honest, in the beginning when I read all the magazines I quickly judged but then again they are tabloids and I only read it due to waiting in line at the checkout counter with my Mom. You were a bit impossible to avoid at that time.
I must admit I think you're so strong and I want to know, if you were ever bullied when you were younger, since we all know you were pretty much bullied by the world without anyone even knowing you. Which is weird.
Do you remember your biggest bully?
Or if you were the bullier? Who knows... That's why I want to know. I'm going through a rough time at school and you seem like a person who doesn't judge.. I want your "Raw and Real Advice".
Hope you write back.
Misty C
Hey Misty,
Ugh you picked a sore subject for me but I must respond because It feels horrible to be in that position and "If I Knew Then What I know Now"... lol. I know I sound like my Grandmother they are pretty wise some of them.
I want to help you and let you know you're not alone.
I remember from the start in elementary school girls weren't very nice to me either. I can give you particular examples for each and every year of being a child but it could go on forever.
Don't think it's because you're a dork or ugly , and I'm sure you're not. It's just unhappy girls or insecure girls who happen to be pretty or semi pretty who want to make someone else feel bad.
Remember no matter what group you happen to fall into the bullying goes on . You can be in the "dork group", or "popular group". In fact the bullying is even more nasty in the "popular group".
Growing up is hard Misty, I'm going to give it to you straight. Its not easy. I'm 24 and bullying still goes on.
Misty please remember this, it will help you through the rest of school from elementary-high school and like my mom always said "little b*tches just turn into older b*tches". Everything Happens For A Reason, and Whatever Hurts You Only Makes You Strong. Its true. I promise you!
I was bullied so horribly my entire life. So when the media storm and bullying worldwide kept smacking me in the face it was almost as if I was more prepared for it. If that makes any sense to you.
The point is everyone gets bullied sometime in their life. I don't care who you are or what you look like but at some point everyone has been bullied by SOMEONE. Why do you think this world is so F'd up. Excuse my language I know you're young but come on I remember that age people cus a bit... lol
The hurt will turn into strength as you grow up and age. Though I never promised you wouldn't need therapy, but it is 2011 everyone is going to therapy. Its the cool thing to do so don't worry about.
Always stay true to yourself.
Misty don't listen to those people bullying you and trust me being a taddle-tale is not the answer. What may feel hurtful now and unbearable, as you look back its nothing in the grand scheme of life. You'll just always remember these mean girls. I could go on and on but I think this song sums up everything for you.
Hailey Glassman-------
p.s Remember we have all been there. I'm 24 and still going through it. lol I KNOW!
Misty this is your song right here! Own it pretty
ReplyDeletePERFECT ADVICE! Also Perfect song!!
ReplyDeleteMisty ~ I was an honors/AP "geek" (my title I now wear with pride). I did band, drama, science, french club. None of which were the "popular" choice. Then going on to be an Army Intelligence Analyst. So I feel your pain & know now they are so much worse with bullies than when I was in school (I am 30 now). One thing I can say is this is a small, and often painful & awkward time in your life. While there will always be those people out there as you grow up, as adults more people notice it & actually dislike them. Think of the snooty people you see in stores...nobody appreciates the way they act. Or for a funny view, go watch "Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion". I'll make you smile!
One thing you might find is 10 years out of school or so if social network is still the way it is now, you may find that all those people will come back & want to be friends & have nothing but nice things to say to you. At least in my experience.
Biggest thing, don't show them that it gets to you. Hard to do, I know. But you gotta dig deep & try. When things don't visibly bug you it takes the fun out of it. **hugs**
Agree with with your advice as well Annette.